Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Which came first the Chicken or the Egg?

Well, today it was the egg.

It's been awhile since I updated, or at least a lot has happened in the interregnum. I went back-roading, I got sick, went to see my family, got my computer fixed, (Thanks Kira and Paul!) wrote an epic little paper...It was all very exciting. Except for the getting sick part because I'm still dealing with that.

Yes, I am feeling very sickly. I think it is strep and I may just have to brave Cedar City health care to see, because if it is strep... Getting rheumatic fever and dying just isn't one of my new year's resolutions. So today I made myself egg drop soup for early dinner before work and then ate chicken and rice after work because it sounded really good. And I did the dishes. It made me feel so accomplished that I endevoured to post to my blog. And now I'm gonna knuckle down and go read some Baudelaire. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck!
    So I have a new theory. You got sick from your computer. It gave you it's virus. Bwhahaha
